Pet Hotel
Modern veterinary clinic with physiotherapy, kinesitherapy, hydrotherapy, light therapy and rehabilitation.
Hotel with luxury single rooms, double rooms and suites with 24 hour surveillance.
Day entertainment centre with animator, swimming pool and gym with fitness equipment for dogs.
Spa and fitness services include swimming, walking and running on a water resistance treadmill, massages, infrared heat, walking and running on a special professional dog treadmill and anything else prescribed by a veterinarian in the area of exercise and rehabilitation.
The hotel part for dogs consists of luxurious cosy rooms and apartments. The suites consist of a living room and bedroom, which are furnished to be as close to a real apartment for humans as possible with a sofa, armchair, beautiful bedroom, wardrobe, TV.
Rooms are single and double with large luxury beds with special soft mattresses. All rooms as well as suites are equipped for TV and cameras with static IP, which allows the owner to monitor his dog from all points both in the country and abroad.
The rooms for cats are one and two storey, extremely spacious and very cozy.
The ventilation is modern and made specifically for the needs of the complex, ensuring a continuous flow of fresh air, automatically adjusting the required temperature for the season.
There is a modern grooming salon with a special bath for bathing both small and large animals. A special hairdryer that pulls the water out of the coat and dries it, and an adjustable grooming table for all heights. Different haircuts, locks, nail polishing and all sorts of fancy treatments are done.