Salad Box. One salad - many benefits.
21 May, 2021
The Corona crisis has caused changes in the working environment of hundreds of thousands of Bulgarians, who currently spend most of their working hours at home instead of in the office, and this is expected to continue at least for some time.
Initially, telecommuting seemed attractive to most people. Eventually, it turned out that many of them worked an extra 1.5 hours on average in front of their computers. Also, in order to be able to fit in with their colleagues, workers often change the start and end of their working day, or lunch and break times.
As a result, the physical and even mental problems caused by the new work regime have increased. A large percentage of employees reported at least one, and even more physical problems, e.g. neck pain, stiffness, etc.
The reasons are clear - in a remote type of work, employees move less, have almost no physical activity, do not rest, because it is not the collective moment when several people together take a break, go out or at least walk to the office kitchen. At the same time, the amount of food they are taking is increasing - often they are taking more and having it in the designated work area, eating almost continuously while they work, and a lot of times it is unhealthy snacks.
This can be fatal to human health. Homes usually do not have the right equipment for working from home, such as a comfortable chair and desk, for example, and this puts people at higher risk of muscle and bone problems in the arms, shoulders, spine and legs. In addition, a lot of people's emotional wellbeing, job satisfaction, motivation, desire to work for a particular employer, and sometimes more serious problems related to depressive states, deteriorate.
Work from home will continue until at least the end of 2021. Based on observation and research, scientists are now convinced that this brings with it significant physical and mental health problems for people who are forced to work in this way.
SaladBox has a very useful initiative related to the needs of all these people who have been working in Home office for a year. The company's culinary experts have developed a salad that is extremely suitable for all telecommuters. Its name is U+ Omega 3, and as you can guess, it is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, but not only that. The company has taken into account several international studies related to proper nutrition to create a special useful and healthy food. In doing so, they have selected ingredients that complement each other wonderfully, are delicious, and their benefits are proven. They have focused on real food, minimally processed and processed.
Balanced, nutrient-rich food makes us more productive. It keeps us full for longer and helps us stay focused on what we're doing.
What we eat affects our mood and energy level.
People should be aware of this the next time they decide they want to pull something sweet out of the cupboard. Instead, it's much better for their health and mental state to eat food rich in protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.
If you really want to limit yourself from snacking endlessly throughout the day, you need to put some order in the way you prepare for meals.
This will mean that you need to be clear at the beginning of the day about what you are going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and to stop constantly popping to the fridge or the cupboard with junk.
If this seems difficult, you can turn to Salad Box because they have taken care of preparing your healthy lunch in advance.