"What should I become when I grow up" - a forum for professional orientation
22 March, 2023
Welcome to the special event - Career Orientation Forum "What to be when I grow up", which is aimed at students from 7th to 12th grade, as well as their parents and teachers and all those who are looking for a new start and a new profession .

The professions represent ladies from different business fields. Meet the professionals face to face and ask your questions to them. They are waiting for you at the stands specially prepared for the event and in the presentation hall on level 1 in Sofia Ring Mall.

The aim of the event is to introduce the audience to different professions, practiced by women, but not only for women, with their peculiarities, the knowledge and skills needed to practice them and the opportunities for their realization; to orient young people in their personal choice for development and to motivate them to successfully realize themselves in Bulgaria.

The event is organized by the Foundation "FOR good examples in business" and the Metropolitan Municipal Agency for Privatization and Investments (SOAPI) and is held with the support of the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAPEO) and the Employment Agency and with the kind hosting of Sofia Ring Mall.

Partners of the forum are: Mentors BG, Project "Dual training in Bulgaria"/GODUAL, etc.
The forum is also supported by celebrities who will stand behind the Stand of Fame to meet the audience and introduce the "Star" profession

We look forward to seeing you on stage on level 1, next to the Peek & Cloppenburg store.