18 October, 2021
Official rules for the online game of Sofia Ring Mall and the Comsed store:
1. Participation period:
1.1. The period for participation in the Online Game of Sofia Ring Mall and the Comsed store is from 18 October 2021 until 23:59 on 24 October 2021.
1.2. The game takes place on the official Instagram page of Comsed
https://www.instagram.com/comsedtoystore/?hl=en. Organizer:
2.1. The organizer of the Campaign is Sofia South Ring Mall EAD, UIC: 200114696, with registered office and management address. Sofia, ul. "Ring Road" 214 (the "Arranger").
2.2. Facebook Inc. does not participate or assist in any way in the organisation and conduct of the Game.
3. Participants:
3.1. A participant in the Game may be any able-bodied natural person (over 18 years of age) with a permanent address in the Republic of Bulgaria, who during the Participation Period under point 1.1:
3.1.1. is registered or has a valid registration in the social network Instagram (according to the site rules);
3.1.2. visit the Comsed website at Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/comsedtoystore/?hl=en and followed his @comsedtoystore account.
3.1.3. visit the Sofia Ring Mall on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sofia_ring_mall/ and followed his profile (@sofia_ring_mall).
3.1.4. accept these Rules, which will be published on the website https://www.sofiaring.bg/; the inclusion of the Participants in the Game means that they have accepted these Rules;
3.1.5. post a comment under the Game post in Instagram with link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CVKtIqursOr/?fbclid=IwAR0LsP0Y-bJrI24C9gE2q99ziP-icVsObkqDfiuRdTmTKg69Ib8lwKNQsmYthat must contain the name of their child's favorite Paw Patrol character ( Marshall, Skye or Chase )
3.2. Employees of the Organizer, employees of Comrade, as well as employees of other companies sent to perform temporary work for the Organiser, as users of these employees under their direction and control, and members of their families.
4. Mechanism of participation:
4.1. Participation in the Game is not intended and is not conditional upon the purchase of any product or service offered by the Organizer.
4.2 Each Entrant who has complied with the conditions of clause 3.1 and meets the requirements of clause 3.2 is entered into the prize draw under clause 5 below.
4.3. Each Entrant may enter an unlimited amount of comments in the Game.
4.4. To enter the prize draw, each user must follow the Comsed (@comsedtoystore) account and the Sofia Ring Mall (@sofia_ring_mall) account, as well as leave a comment below the post Gameto be published during the Game and containing the name of favoritesya the hero of their child from Paw Patrol (Marshall, Skye or Chase)
Valid for participation are comments only under the post Game with link: ........
4.5. Each Entrant is entered only once into the draw and can only win one prize, regardless of how many comments they have posted.
5. Awardsи:
5.1. Awardsgo to will beat Retrieved fromи at Three Participantsciwhichиthen are Implemented byи the conditions of point 3.1. and meets the requirements of point 3.2.
The prize is 3 toys:
- Dog Patrol - Marshall's Transforming Urban Truck
- Dog Patrol - Chase's Transforming Police Car
- Dog Patrol - Puppies on a mission, Skye
6. Determination of Winning Entrantsci:
6.1. Only Entrants who meet the conditions set out in clauses 3 and 4 of these Rules will be entered into the prize draw referred to in clause 5.
6.2. Winner Drawinggo to will be carried out with specialised software on a random basis within 48 hours after the end of the Game.
6.3. The announcement of the winnergo to will be going with a comment from the Comsed(@comsedtoystore) account under the post Game in Instagram within 48 hours of the Game ending and/or via a story in Instagram the profile of the organizer. This story will state the username of the winner and the prize they won.
6.4. After determining the winnersthese Entrants, 3 (three) additional reserve winning Entrants will be drawn. The reserve winning Entrants may replace the previous drawn Entrants, provided that they cannot be found and/or cannot claim the prize within the time limit set out in clause 7.1 of these Rules.
6.5 After the winning Entrants have been drawn, they will be checked to see if they meet the conditions set out in these Rules. In the event that a winning Entrant is not eligible to receive a prize, the next alternate winning Entrant is deemed the winnerwho is eligible.
7. Receiving the Award:
7.1. Within 3 (three) working days after the date of determination of the winning Participant in accordance with the previous paragraph 6, they should contact by private message to the Sofia Ring Mall account (@sofia_ring_mall) to find out how they will receive their prize. The names of the winner will be announced by a comment by Komsed under the post for the respective Game and/or story ("Story") within 48 hours after its completion.
7.1.1. The Winning Entrant must, at a day and time specified by the Promoter, visit the Information Desk at Sofia Ring Mall and to complete and sign the acceptance form.a handover protocol with their personal datathat are required to receive the prize. These details will only be used for the purpose of providing that particular prize.
7.1.2. In the event that the relevant winning Entrant fails to respond to the notification by sending the required details within 3 (three) working days of the winner being announced or refuses to accept the prize, the first alternate winning Entrant to be notified in accordance with this clause shall be deemed the winner. In the event that he/she also fails to respond within 1 (one) day of notification or refuses to receive the prize, the second reserve winning Entrant will be contacted. In the event that he/she also fails to respond within 1 (one) day of sending the message or refuses to receive the prize, the prize will remain unallocated and a new draw will not be organised.
7.2. The prize can be claimed within 14 (Fourteen) working days from the date of the draw.
7.3. Upon receipt of a Prize, each winning Entrant must identify himself/herself by presenting the following documents.
7.4. Upon receipt of the prize, each winning Participant shall sign an acceptance protocol with the Organiser.
7.5. The prize cannot be exchanged for cash or any other equivalent.
7.6. The prize may not be assigned to third parties.
7.7. If within 4 (four) weeks from the date of the respective draw the prize has not been awarded due to circumstances beyond the control of the Organiser, a new draw shall not be organised.
8 Rights and Responsibilities:
8.1. a) in the event that the prize cannot be received, delivered or realised due to the inability of the respective Participant and/or his/her representative to identify him/herself and/or to receive the prize within the specified time limits or due to other technical and/oror legal obstaclesrelating to the specific winning Entrant and/or his/her representative/agent; b) in the event of the prize being unavailable for delivery and/or use due to force majeure, regulatory or legal restrictions or any other circumstances; and c) in the event of the prize not being delivered due to the refusal of the relevant Entrant to provide the necessary details or sign the necessary documents.
8.2. The Promoter shall not be liable for any failure to enter or award a prize if an Entrant's registration for the Campaign contains incomplete, false or misleading information.
8.3. The Organiser may, at its discretion, terminate the Campaign at any time if circumstances arise which prevent it from taking place, including, but not only - abuse, violation of these Rules, force majeure, act of an administrative, judicial or other authority, etc. In such cases, the Organiser shall not owe any compensation to the Participants.
8.4. Any attempts to manipulate the Campaign on the site where it is being conducted are prohibited. In case of any abuse that can be used to influence the Campaign page, as well as in case of suspicion of such abuse, the Organizer has the right to disqualify the Participant concerned, in which case the Organizer is not obliged to motivate or explain the disqualification.
8.5. Each Participant must ensure that he/she is participating in the Campaign under his/her real name, which he/she must verify by presenting an ID card, in case he has won the prize in the Campaign.
8.6. The use of techniques and/oror technologiesthat alter the element of personal and individual participation of the individual in the Campaign.
8.7.The Promoter is under no obligation to correspond in relation to any claim for a prize from the Campaign.
9.Additional provisions:
9.1. In case the prize is received by a proxy of the winning Participant, by signing the acceptance protocol the proxy voluntarily provides the Organizer with the personal data necessary for participation in the Campaign and receipt of the prize, namely: three names, phone and age. The data will be processed in order to identify the Participants and to establish feedback with the winning Participant to receive the prize. The data will be stored by the Promoter for a period of 6 (six) weeks after the date of the winning Entrant's draw. This is necessary to establish contact with the winning Entrant and the provision of their prize, as described in item. 7 & n. 8.
9.2. The storage and processing of the personal data of the Participants in the Campaign is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legislation and the Organizer's Personal Data Protection Policy, published on the website www.sofiaring.com (https://bit.ly/2MKs8t8) and available in the Organizer's outlets. By accepting these Rules, each Participant is informed and accepts the said documents.
9.3. On the Campaign page will be published the first and last name or username - according to Instagram the profile of the winning Participant.
9.4. The Organiser may promote the Campaign on social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, including posting information about the Campaign and two names of the winning Entrant or username (according to his Instagram Profile) on its official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/SofiaRingMall.Official/) and on its official Instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/sofia_ring_mall/).
9.5. The Organiser has the right to amend and supplement these Rules at any time. Amendments and additions shall take effect from the date of their publication on the Campaign website
10. Declaration of the award under the Personal Income Tax Act.
10.1. The individual who has received an itemised prize is liable to declare the income and pay Income Tax (ITT) at their own expense.
10.2. The payment of income tax (GST) payable by the recipient of the prize and the filing of the annual tax return in respect of the prize shall be made within the time limits and in accordance with the following procedures, regulated in the FATL.
10.3. The Organiser is not responsible for the quality of the prize and is not liable for the prize awarded.
These Rules shall enter into force on 18.10.2021 г.