Sofia Ring Mall Dogfluencer Competition
23 August, 2022
We know your dog is much more than a pet. It is part of your family, a loyal companion and a beloved creature. And maybe it has another calling - to be a social media star or, in other words, a Dogfluencer. Sofia Ring Mall is looking for its barking influencer and this could be your dog.
Enter it into the competition and be in with a chance of winning one of the following prizes:
First place: Professional photo shoot of the winner Dogfluencer and a one-month partnership with Sofia Ring Mall
Second place: Grooming & SPA treatment at the Zoo Center
Third place: Dog food JOSERA super premium and toys KONG from Zoo Center
Here's what you need to do to enter your pet:
1) Bring your dog to Sofia Ring Mall and find the special Dogfluencer photo booth on level 0, located next to the Zoo Center store.
2) Take a picture of it, share it on Storey with #ringmalldogfluencer and tag @sofia_ring_mall
The winner and runners-up will be selected by a special jury. You can tell us your pet's name, age, favourite treat or anything else you want so we can get to know them better.
We will announce our chosen Dogfluencer and his runners-up on 11.10.2022.
Fingers crossed on both paws.🐾