Christmas moments in Sofia Ring Mall
8 December, 2022
Christmas is coming soon, and it's already here in Sofia Ring Mall. The decorations are everywhere, and you can smell the familiar aroma of Christmas cookies in the corridors. In the meantime you can enjoy our programme:

Listen to Polly Genova live. On December 11 at 5 pm she will present her new Christmas album on the stage of level 1.

Come meet Santa.

on 10, 11, 17 and 18 December from 12 to 14 and from 15 to 17.

on 24 and 25 December from 12 to 14h.
Where: level 1

Christmas can not do without fairy tales. So come to a reading of the book "Magic at Midnight" on December 21 from 6 to 8 pm. There, you'll hear five Christmas stories to help you experience the magic of the holiday. You'll find it on the stage in front of Peek & Cloppenburg, Level 1.
We look forward to seeing you throughout December!