31 March, 2022
REGULATIONS for the use of
PARKING on SOFIA RING MALL, level 0 and level -1
/ Order No. 2088-1 of 29.06.2021 /
These Regulations establish the general rules to be observed by all visitors to SOFIA. SAUT RING MALL. The Parking Lot is privately owned, and Users may access the Parking Lot only if they comply with these Parking Regulations and applicable law. The Parking Lot is categorized and classified as a private roadway open to public traffic during the entire period in which SOFIA SAUT Ring Mall is open to the public.
"VIP Security" LTD - Company performing SECURITY ACTIVITY on the territory of SOFIA SOUTH RING MALL
Working hours parking: from 07:00 to 23:00
GENERAL RULES for pusers, customers and visitors in the parking lot:
- Prohibited usednet of Fire, flammables and substances, as well as Smoking.
- Vehicles are prohibited from entering с ASU.
- The maximum permissible vehicle speed is 10 km/h.
- Prohibited initsandThe Early и Participate of the vehicle in competitions and drift.
- Prohibited unnecessarythen Forcednot on engine of vehicles and the use of horn.
- It is forbidden to stay in a vehicle with the engine running for more than 10 minutes.
- Prohibited MPS Yes be Chargeaneto with fuel and the carrying out of repairs to it.
- Parking of vehicles outside the marked parking spaces is prohibited.
- Prohibited discardnet of rubbish outside the designated for this places.
- Prohibited consumeation of Alcohol and food.
- Prohibited arrangethe net of any social and public meetings.
- Prohibited distributed bynet of promotional or other materials and Holding at the photo sessionии.
- Prohibited leavesnet unattended at minors, animals or dangerous substances in vehicles or in the parking lot.
- Prohibited damagesnet of the car park or its elements.
- Prohibited parking and stay at MPS for more than 24 (twenty-four) consecutive hours, then this is due Forthe payment of compensation for the costs of moving and repatriating vehicles in the amount of 100 (one hundred) levs, incl.. VAT.
Гlobe at the rate of 50 BGN For violation of the above RULES, imposed by the company performing the SECURITY ACTIVITY on the territory of SOFIA SOUTH RING MALL.