Fox Optics
Fox Opticians is an established company in eye health and beauty care. Each of the opticians has a vision screening room, through which the specialists of "Fox" accurately determine the visual status for each client.
Any such eye exam is free when you purchase new dioptric glasses. Opticians has developed a social policy towards children, the elderly and the visually impaired. For complete protection and correction of vision, a perfect fitting is of paramount importance.
The specialists of "Fox" guarantee high-quality manufacture and fitting of both dioptric and sunglasses. Only "Fox" offers the service of hand-modelled glass shapes with inlay of crystals, zirconium, figurines, etc.
Warranties, service and support are provided for customers. Each optician in the chain offers a wide selection of frames and sunglasses from reputable companies, dioptric glasses from the most prestigious manufacturers, contact lenses and consumables for them.
A wide range of cases, cleaners, lenses and other accessories are available to keep your glasses looking good. Fox Opticians are a direct importer of Eschenbach, which allows them to stock low vision devices, magnifiers, orienteering equipment and binoculars, as well as being able to order.